Lau Nau offers workshops on different aspects of electronic music making. In 2018 and 2020, supported by Taike, the workshops are organised in a beginner level in order to be easy to participate for anyone who doesn’t have any previous knowledge of the area. The participants can be of any age.

Held workshops:
Children’s cultural centre Sagalund, all junior high school classes in Kimito Island 2020.
Festival Norpas, open workshop 2018 & 2019.
Sagalundklubben, Dalsbruk 2017 and 2018.
Salon kansalaisopiston nuorten teatteriryhmä osana Kohtaamisia-teosta 2017-2019.

Please take contact if you would be interested in having a workshop in your institution or festival program

laura.launau (a)