Live concerts for silent films:

7th Heaven (Borzage 1927)
With Seitsemäs Taivas: Midnight Sun Film Festival 2023 / Kino Regina Helsinki 2019

À propos de Nice (Vigo 1930)
Solo: Cinema Orion Helsinki 2019

Anémic Cinéma (Duchamp 1924-26)
With Matti Bye Ensemble: San Francisco Silent Film Festival 2018

Anna-Liisa (Puro 1922)
With Matti Bye: Musikens Hus Katrineholm 2019
With Topias Tiheäsalo: V-S Elokuvakeskus Turku 2019 / Kaarina-talo 2019
With Lau Nau ja Likaiset Kynttilät: Loud Silents festival Tampere 2014 / Reikäreuna festival Orivesi 2014 / Vilimit festival Kuopio 2014

Berg-Ejvind och hans hustru (The Outlaw and His Wife, Sjöström 1918)
With Matti Bye: Austrian Film Museum Wien 2018

Bronenosets «Potyomkin» (Battleship Potemkin / Броненосец «Потёмкин», Eisenstein 1925)
With Matti Bye Ensemble: San Francisco Silent Film Festival 2017

Chelovek s kinoapparatom (Man with a Movie Camera / Человек с киноаппаратом, Vertov 1929)
With Päivänsäde: Kino Thalia V-S Elokuvakeskus Turku 2004 (?)

Das Cabinet des Dr. Caligari (The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, Wiene 1920)
With Seitsemäs Taivas: Valve Oulun juhlaviikot 2019
With Linda Fredriksson. Samuli Kosminen, Matti Bye: G-livelab 2017
With Lau Nau ja Likaiset kynttilät: Turun taiteiden yö 2015 / Cinemadrome Festival Tampere 2015

Dementia (Parker 1955),
With Seitsemäs Taivas: V-S Elokuvakeskus Turku 2021

Der Favorit der Königin (The Favourite of the Queen, Seitz 1922)
With Kiri Ra!: WHS Teatteri Helsinki 2024

Die Abenteuer des Prinzen Achmed (The Adventures of Prince Achmed, Reiniger 1926)
With Linda Fredriksson, Samuli Kosminen and Matti Bye, WHS Teatteri Unioni 2016 / Festival Norpas 2016

Die Suffragette (A Militant Suffragette, Gad 1913)
With Topias Tiheäsalo: Loud Silents Tampere 2018

Erotikon (Stiller 1920)
With Matti Bye: Il Cinema Ritrovato Bologna 2021 & 2020

Finnish short silent films (selection 1918-1933 curated by Risto Jarva -seura)
With Topias Tiheäsalo: Kino K-13 Helsinki 2018 / Stoa Helsinki 2018 / Vuotalo Helsinki 2018 / Red Carpet Film Festival Hyvinkää 2018 / Blue Sea Film Festival Rauma 2018 / Ilokuvafestivaali Mäntyharju 2018 / Elokuvateatteri Virtain Pirtti 2018 / Bar Ö 2018 / KannuKino Espoo 2018 / Kino Iglu Karkkila 2018
Solo: Cinema Orion Helsinki 2017

Gösta Berlings Saga (The Saga of Gösta Berling, Stiller 1924)
With Matti Bye Ensemble: Cinemateket Stockholm 2018 / San Francisco Silent Film Festival 2018

Herr Arnes Pengar (Sir Arne’s Treasure, Stiller 1919)
With Matti Bye: Festival d’Áneres 2019 / Cinemateket Stockholm 2017
With Matti Bye Ensemble: San Francisco Silent film festival 2019

Hände (Bandy & Simon 1927)
With Matti Bye Ensemble: San Francisco Silent Film Festival 2018

Häxan (Witchcraft Through the Ages, Christensen 1922)
With Matti Bye ensemble: San Francisco Silent Film Festival 2024 & 2010 / Cinemateket Stockholm 2017 / Ordenshuset Brofästet Stockholm 2009 / Oslo Cinemateket 2009 / Bio Rex Helsinki 2007
With Matti Bye: Malmö Sommarscen 2019
With Linda Fredriksson, Samuli Kosminen and Matti Bye: WHS Teatteri Union 2015

Ingeborg Holm (Margaret Day, Sjöström 1913)
With Matti Bye Ensemble: Midnight Sun Film Festival 2023
With Matti Bye: Tromsö Film Festival 2019 / Oslo Stumfilmfestival 2018

Kihlaus (Puro 1922)
Solo: Suomalaisen elokuvan festivaali 2019

Krtek (selection of Krtek films, Miler 1957-)
With Hertta Lussu Ässä: Cinemascore Benicassim Spain 2012

Körkarlen (The Phantom Carriage, Sjöström 1921)
With Matti Bye Ensemble: San Francisco Silent Film festival 2024
With Topias Tiheäsalo: Kinokopla Night of the Arts Turku 2018

La chute de la maison Usher (The Fall of the House of Usher, Epstein 1928)
With Lau Nau ja Likaiset kynttilät: Cinemare & Rokumentti festival Joensuu 2014 / Cinemadrome festival Tampere 2014 / WHS Teatteri Helsinki 2015

La Passion de Jeanne d’Arc (The passion of Joan of Arc, Dreyer 1928)
With Matti Bye: Orion Helsinki 2024
With Kristian Holmgren and Matti Bye: Tromso Stumfilmdager 2007

L’heureuse mort (Nadjedine 1924)
With Matti Bye Ensemble: San Francisco Silent Film Festival 2010

La petite marchande d’allumettes (The Little Match Girl, Renoir 1928)
Solo: Cinema Orion Helsinki 2019

Limite (Limit, Peixoto 1931)
With Matti Bye Ensemble San Francisco Silent Film Festival 2022
With Matti Bye: Vitlycke Performing Arts Centre 2021 / Cinemateket Stockholm 2021

L’Inferno (Bertolini, Padovan, De Liguoro 1911)
With Matti Bye Ensemble: San Francisco Silent Film Festival 2019

Mexican footage (Eisenstein 1931)
With Matti Bye Ensemble: San Francisco Silent Film Festival 2018

Minnesbilder (collection of amateur films by Anna Stina Stenbom, Birgit Vänerö and Kjell Walter Sohlberg, curated by Filmarkivet)
With Kiri Ra!: Göteborg International Film Festival 2019.

Nanook of the North (Flaherty 1922)
Solo: Festival Norpas Dalsbruk 2018

Nosferatu (Murnau 1922)
With Seitsemäs Taivas: Kino Laika Karkkila 2024 / Cinema Niagara Tampere 2023

Pas de deux (Looney Lens 1924)
With Matti Bye Ensemble: San Francisco Silent Film Festival 2018

Paul Clipson’s films
Solo: The Lab San Francisco 2016 with Paul Clipson projecting the films live

Prohibition (Vorkapich 1929)
With Matti Bye Ensemble: San Francisco Silent Film Festival 2018

Salomé (Bryant 1922)
With Matti Bye Ensemble: San Francisco Silent Film Festival 2022

Shestaya Chast Mira (A Sixth Part of the World / Шестая часть мира, Vertov 1926)
With Kiri Ra!: WHS Teatteri Helsinki 2020

Skyline Dance (Vorkapich 1928)
With Matti Bye Ensemble: San Francisco Silent Film Festival 2018

Sol’ Svanetii (Salt for Svanetia / მარილი სვანეთს, Kalatozov 1930)
With Matti Bye Ensemble: San Francisco Silent Film Festival 2022

Stella Dallas (Henry King 1925)
With Seitsemäs Taivas: Kino Regina Helsinki 2024

Suomen puu- ja paperiteollisuus (Aho, Soldan & Co 1930)
With Niko Karlsson, Suomalaisen elokuvan festivaali 2017

The Furies (Vorkapich 1934)
With Matti Bye Ensemble: San Francisco Silent Film Festival 2018

The Life and Death of 9413 – A Hollywood Extra (Florey 1927)
With Matti Bye Ensemble: San Francisco Silent Film Festival 2018

The Money Machine (Vorkapich 1929)
With Matti Bye Ensemble: San Francisco Silent Film Festival 2018

Terje Vigen (A Man There Was, Sjoström 1917)
With Matti Bye Nordiska muséet Stockholm 2017 / Blue Sea Film festival Rauma 2015
With Matti Bye Ensemble: San Francisco Silent Film Festival 2017

Tih Minh episodes 9 & 10 (Feuillade 1918)
With Matti Bye: Il Cinema Ritrovato Bologna 2020.

Tonka Šibenice (Tonka of the Gallows, Anton 1930)
With Seitsemäs taivas: Loud Silents Festival Helsinki 2021

Zemlya (Earth / Земля, Dovzhenko 1930)
With Matti Bye Ensemble: San Francisco Silent Film Festival 2019

7th Heaven
Seitsemäs Taivas photo by Jaani Föhr
Festival Norpas photo by Niilo Rinne
Loud Silents festival photo by Eino Ansio
Herr Arnes pengar
Ingeborg Holm
Matti Bye & Lau Nau photo by Tim Barclay
La Passion de Jeanne d’Arc
Seitsemäs taivas photo by Rosemarie Särkkä
Matti Bye Ensemble playing Erotikon in Il Cinema Ritrovato
Seitsemäs Taivas
Matti Bye Ensemble
Matti Bye Ensemble photo by Tommy Lau
Tih Minh

“The experience forcefully reminded me that movies are surreal by their “magic lantern” nature, and silent films even more potently so, particularly when accompanied by live, dreamy music.” – SF Civc Center blog

“The Matti Bye Ensemble matched each film with a fitting score, which were often meditative.”
“So I’d seen Gösta Berling one previous time–and kind of fell asleep halfway through it. I may have considered it dull. But! I was open to having my mind changed by a fine showing on a big screen with a high-quality score. And you know what? It worked! I thoroughly enjoyed it, and might even add it to my DVD collection. (…) The evocative score by the Matti Bye Ensemble played a big part in my conversion, I do declare.” – Silentology

“I was moved by the Matti Bye Ensemble’s evocative almost Philip Glass-like score, flowing like water while percussively accompanying revving engines and guns and subtly underscoring emotion.” “The Matti Bye Ensemble provided powerful accompaniment that moved between gentle melodies and swirling emotions. 

The music ebbed and flowed like the placid water or the crashing waves.” – LA Daily Mirror

“Familiar films get a boost at the festival from exceptional, eclectic live music: Potemkinhad percussive, atmospheric accompaniment by Sweden’s Matti Bye Ensemble that eschewed obvious musical choices,” – Film Comment