Laura Naukkarinen’s piece for Sähkökitarakvartetti Lfolfolfo’s performed live at Tampere Biennale 2022, Hietsun paviljonki 2023, Fylkingen Stockholm 2025.

“The name Lfolfolfos refers to the synthesizer’s low frequency oscillator (LFO), which is often used in modular synthesizers to control various functions. I have composed several pieces based on the sound characteristic of the synthesizer, but adapted to other instruments. In the piece, four electric guitars play like four oscillators, and as the piece progresses, the dynamics of the sounds change as if controlled by an LFO.”

Sähkökitarakvartetti’s debut album I was released 2022. Compositions by Laura Naukkarinen, Sami Klemola and Daniel M Karlsson.

Listen here:

Sähkökitarakvartetti’s I begins a quadrilogy chronicling their multifaceted approach into contemporary electric guitar music. I contemplates a three track window into electroacoustic soundscapes. Laura Naukkarinen’s (Lau Nau)‘Lfolfolfos’ takes cues from the swelling waves of synthesizer low-frequency oscillators. Sami Klemola’s ‘Chiaroscuro Etydes’ is a study of shade and light in layers of no-input pedal chain hiss. Daniel M Karlsson’s EBow’d and ring modulated sludge drone epic ‘Mutually Exclusive Continuities’ sees the ensemble augmented to a quintet with Jenni Kinnunen on fifth electric guitar.

Sähkökitarakvartetti: Juhani Grönroos, Lauri Hyvärinen, Jukka Kääriäinen & Sigurdur Rögnvaldsson

Recorded, mixed & mastered by Teemu Korpipää at Ambience Studios.
Cover art by Aino-Maija Metsola

Supported by: Koneen Säätio.


Laura Naukkarisen kappale Lfolfolfos on rauhallisten tasaisuuksien musiikkia. Hitaasti vaihtuvat ja kevyesti huojuvat harmoniat muodostavat vakaan jatkumon. Syntikkasoundeja mielentuovassa kokonaissoinnissa on miellyttävää levollisuutta. – Aki Yli-Salomäki / YLE